Setting up your space
It doesn’t matter too much of where the space is as long as you feel safe, can access it easily, and can remove yourself from distractions. This applies to yoga and meditation.
Feeling safe. This may sound like a strange one to you, but it is a foundational state of being for us. From yoga practice to Blooms Taxonomy, feeling safe allows you to relax and settle. This may look like being in a room where you can close or lock the door. This could also mean providing props such as blocks and a blanket so your body feels safe from strain.
Easy access. Find a place where you can access with little to no effort or navigation. For me, this changes day to day based on my work schedule. Sometimes I roll out my mat right behind my desk in my office so that any down time I get between meetings, I’m there. Sometimes this is on my back porch when the weather is nice and my dogs are inside with my husband. Have options.
Distractions. Easier said than done, amiright? However, you’ll need to determine what is a distraction for you. Is the drip from your faucet a distraction, or is it a noise that brings you comfort? Is the train that goes by at the same time every day a welcome sound? Do you need to burn incense that creates a welcoming (and maybe safe) environment for you?
All in all, be patient with yourself. Your space is not going to be ‘perfect’ from the get go, and it may change over time with what you need. Distractions are inevitable, and we change locations often through life. Allow time to settle into your designated space and write down what you like / dislike about it. Enjoy.